In 2019-2021, the prospecting will involve traditional methods as well as the use of modern geophysics. For soil and rock samples, hand tools such as a pick or an auger will be used. Samples of rocks and soil will be collected and analysed at the laboratory for metal content and indicator minerals (pathfinder elements). The holes will be filled in and the area will be left without any significant disturbance. Findings will be reported to stakeholders. The next stage will be to select a couple of the most promising sites and to gain stakeholders permission to drill a small number of holes into the underlying rock. The aim of the drilling will be to test rocks beneath the surface for their metal content. In parallel with that work, geophysical techniques will provide data on the electrical conductivity, gravimetric and magnetic intensity of the underlying rocks. More details of the proposed work program will be provided to landowners before any exploration is carried out. Community meetings will be held to explain proposed work. The next Community meeting is planned for July 2020.